About Us

About Company

Global Accreditation Centre (GAC)

is among the largest accreditation bodies in the world and the only independent, non-profit, internationally recognized accreditation body in the Germany that offers a full range of comprehensive conformity assessment accreditation services.

Global Accreditation Centre Established in 1978 as a public service membership society, GAC is dedicated to the formal recognition of competent testing and calibration laboratories (including medical laboratories), bio banking facilities, inspection bodies, product certification bodies, proficiency testing providers, and reference material producers. GAC has over 4,000 actively accredited certificates representing more than 50 countries.

GAC offers three primary service lines to support recognition of competence in conformity assessment industries.

Our Mission

Providing distinguished accreditation services to achieve confidence in the conformity assessment system in the member states to enhance product safety, develop the industry and facilitate trade exchange in partnership with the concerned parties

Our vission

Leadership in achieving confidence for conformity assessment bodies in member states